In: Interactive Maps Science
10 Mar 2014Josh Worth created a horizontal map of the solar system using a scale of 1 pixel = diameter of moon. There’s a lot of nothing out there (but Josh does add some amusing commentary to help pass the time scrolling between planets).
In: Food
10 Mar 2014How much more pizza do you get for your money depending on the size? (based on 74,476 prices from 3,678 pizza places around the country).
Type in any name and see how popular it was across the USA over the past 60 years. (blog post explaining methodology)
In theory, the sun should hit it’s apogee (highest point overhead) at noon. But that doesn’t happen in much of the world, for a variety of reasons. The below map by Stefano Maggiolo details the discrepancies.
In: Culture Internet/tech
9 Mar 2014Based on an analysis of 4,191,533 flights and 1.3 billion air fares, “in 2013 the best time to buy a domestic airline ticket was 54 days in advance, or 7 1/2 weeks on average.” Check out the related article for other insights.
Map of all kinds of energy related things: coal fields, mines, oil/gas pipelines/storage, electrical transmission lines, wind turbine potential, offshore windspeeds, solar potential, etc. You get the idea.
It’s not the smoothest operating interactive map I’ve ever seen (lots of delays in loading, etc) – but it works if you’re patient.
Thanks to Mr. Brown for sending me the link.
Artist Loren Munk has created many beautiful interpretations of art history, genres, and incubators.
My personal favorite:
In: Culture Internet/tech
25 Feb 2014Facebook analyzed peoples online interactions zeroed around relationship status events. It turns out (not surprisingly I suppose) that relationship changes track closely with online interactions.
and what kind of posts they are interacting with:
Here’s what a breakup looks like:
You wouldn’t know it is you lived on the East Coast, of course, but January 2014 was the 4th hottest on record, globally.
In: Maps
10 Feb 2014We’ve seen versions of this before, but these are interesting in that they clearly indicate the amount of distortion the designs are using.
In: Sports
10 Feb 2014In: Politics
7 Feb 2014In: Sports
6 Feb 2014I’m sure we’ll see the usual TON of olympic graphics in the next few weeks, but I thought this one showing the growth of sports included in the Winter Games was interesting:
In: Global Economy Maps
6 Feb 2014There are all kinds of inaccuracies in this, but the major point that we are very very very rich still comes through.
Overlay of running routes in 23 metropolitan areas using personal runner data from runkeeper, by FlowingData.
Washington DC (mostly in Rock Creek Park and along the Mall)
An addictive collection of beautiful charts, graphs, maps, and interactive data visualization toys -- on topics from around the world.