Emerging Markets Archive:

A graphic of several countries’ population distribution. The related article points out that while many OECD countries are facing problems because of their aging population, many developing countries are dealing with the opposite. Uganda, for example has 70 percent of the population under 30.


Produced by Wallstats for Mint.com. Versions were done in the past for the USA vs China and India.

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A bit dated as these were prepared in the lead up to the Pittsburgh summit a few weeks ago. Worth passing on nonetheless.


A checklist of the G20’s April London Summit pledges and whether they’ve been fulfilled. Included some nice graphics on IMF and tax reforms.

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G20 Stimulus and Fiscal Deficit map. Use the slider to look at the changes 2007-2010. Mouse over a country to view popup data details.


The FT takes a graphic look at a number of currency trends (dollar/euro, carry trade, commodity currencies, the renminbi, and a trade weighted exchange index). [the links on the below images all go to the same interactive tool]





What countries have improved the most since 1990? (it’s an index of life expectancy, literacy, education, and per capita GDP).


A map of foreign direct investment inflows, in percent of GDP. Somewhat oddly, you have to click on the different ratio ranges at the bottom to color the relevant countries – at a minimum, they should have included the option to see the whole map (all ranges) colored at once.


This one of those infographics that provides a lot of information – but also prompts a lot of questions; such as “How many of these changes took place in the last 20 years after they opened up?”, and “How would the United States look on these same indicators?”. (via)


EU 2007 spending by country, or on a map. (via)

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I’ve been tempted to steal this design many times. it’s a nice way to present mostly qualitative information for a large number of countries – and people understand it intuitively.


Not much information here – just updated GDP data. Related article.


Click on the timeline at the top to view past versions. Roll over country names to see real GDP growth 2007-10.


The data’s slightly old, but its a really nice presentation. Click on the different data series in the upper right box to switch between them on the map and graph.


Interactive map displays the performance of all the major global equity markets for today, or versus a selection of time periods (5days/10days/1month/etc up to a year). You can also click on any exchange to drill down to more information.

[Note: There is no direct link to the map (silly java), you have to click on the "Market Macromap" window on this page]


Interactive map and tables (click along data series at top).
