Net Neutrality is not About Dolphin Fishing

In: Internet/tech

30 Apr 2014

A real example of how the death of net neutrality will impact your internet experience.

Since Netflix gave into Comcast’s demands for payment in exchange for a promise to deliver movies smoothly over the Internet to Netflix’s customers, speeds on Comcast for Netflix users have rocketed upward. Speeds on the larger service providers have been decreasing steadilysince last fall, but following the deal, Comcast restored all the speed that Netflix had lost and much more in the space of a couple of months.


2 Responses to Net Neutrality is not About Dolphin Fishing


Billy Bob

April 30th, 2014 at 21:13

Can you explain why many of these guys degrade and improve together? Is Comcast throttling Netflix to ATT and Verizon?



May 1st, 2014 at 17:18

Billy Bob hits on it, I think. It looks like collusion to me.

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