Child Brides

In: Culture Source: Economist

28 Feb 2011

In some parts of the world, marrying young is commonplace. I couldn’t find the exact comparison for the United States, but the median age when married is 26 (2009). Wikipedia lists data for additional countries, if you’re interested.


3 Responses to Child Brides



February 28th, 2011 at 13:46

Horrible. And then, usually, the groom is picked by the parents, and is way older than the girl. Horrible.



February 28th, 2011 at 15:25

The legal age to marry changes over time. I think we will see a movement toward reducing the age in the USA as media like Disney and Hanna Montana commodify girls bodies and appearances.



March 4th, 2011 at 02:12

An interesting comparison would also be looking at when women had their first child. I know after two years in Namibia that marriage just wasnt the norm for a lot of girls that age but pregnancy was a huge issue.

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