Sketchy Santas

In: Culture Humor

4 Dec 2010

… the number of Santas available and a parent’s desire to have their children see St. Nick in a timely manner, loosely determines the potential sketchiness of Santas in your area. As demand (D) increases, you can expect a corresponding increase in quantity (Q) or available Santas and the sketchiness (S) of any given Santa. (via)


2 Responses to Sketchy Santas



December 6th, 2010 at 22:24

To the contrary, a rise in demand for Santas with stable supply brings more potential shoppers to the mall, increasing Santa’s labor productivity. In equilibrium, Santa’s wage would increase as his labor productivity rises. A higher average wage for Santas would attract less sketchy applicants, decreasing overall sketchiness.



December 9th, 2010 at 11:11

oh man, I busted out laughing once I read the graph correctly. Hilarious.

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